Syllabus Statement: Disability Support Services

Guidance for Faculty

  • Colorado School of Mines does not have a standard syllabus statement that has been approved/is required. However, a statement should be included in all syllabi.
  • A disability statement opens the lines of communication. A statement in your syllabus inviting students with disabilities to meet with you privately is a good step in starting a conversation with those students who need accommodations.
  • A statement on the syllabus and an announcement in class normalize the accommodation process by treating it as just another part of the course.

Example of Syllabus Statement

The Colorado School of Mines is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs, including students with disabilities. If you have or think you have a disability and wish to request accommodations, please reach out to Disability Support Services. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as soon as possible. If you have already been approved for accommodations through Disability Support Services, please contact your professor to confirm receipt of your accommodation letter and to discuss the implementation of accommodations in this course. DSS contact information:; 1225 17th  Street;