Mines CCUS Innovation Center
Mines CCUS Innovation Center
CCUS Researchers
Linda Ann Battalora
Teaching Professor, Petroleum Engineering
Jyoti Behura
Research Assistant Professor Geophysics Co-Director, Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics
Nanette Boyle
Associate Professor and Coors Developmental Chair Chemical and Biological Engineering
John Bradford
Professor of Geophysics, Vice President for Global Initiatives
Robert Braun
Rowlinson Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director, Mines/NREL Advanced Energy Systems Program
Jared Carbone
Associate Professor, Economics and Business
Moises A. Carreon
Fryrear Chair for Innovation and Excellence, Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Tzahi Y. Cath
Ben L. Fryrear Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ben Gilbert
Assistant Professor, Economics and Business
Marte Gutierrez
James R. Paden Chair and Distinguished Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director, University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (UTC-UTI)
Kathleen Hancock
Associate Professor, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Andrew Herring
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Hossein Kazemi
Professor, Chesebro’ Distinguished Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Robert Kee
George R. Brown Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Carolyn Koh
William K. Coors Distinguished Chair and Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Richard Krahenbuhl
Associate Research Professor, Geophysics, Associate Director, Humanitarian, Engineering, & Science Graduate Program
Adrianne C. Kroepsch
Associate Professor, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Ian Lange
Associate Professor, Economics and Business
Yaoguo Li
Professor Geophysics, Director, Center for Gravity, Electrical and Magnetic Studies
Anna Littlefield
Payne Institute CCUS Program Manager and Research Associate
Shannon Mancus
Teaching Associate Professor, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
C. Michael McGuirk
Assistant Professor Chemistry
Junko Munakata Marr
Department Head and Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Erik Menke
Teaching Associate Professor for the Chemical Engineering Department and Director for CCUS
Alexis Navarre-Sitchler
Associate Professor and Ben Fryrear Endowed Chair for Innovation and Excellence, Geology and Geological Engineering
Priscilla Nelson
Professor, Mining Engineering
Ryan O’Hayre
Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Matthew C. Posewitz
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Manika Prasad
Professor, Geophysics, Director Mines CCUS Hub, Co-Director, Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics
Svitlana Pylypenko
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Ryan M. Richards
Professor, Department of Chemistry Director, Joint Mines/NREL Nexus Center
Stephen M. Smith
Assistant Professor, Economics and Business
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering Charles Boettcher Distinguished Chair in Petroleum Geology
Timothy J. Strathmann
Professor and Associate Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Neal Sullivan
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Ali Tura
Professor, Geophysics, Director Reservoir Characterization Project
Colin Wolden
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Yu-Shu Wu
Professor, Petroleum Engineering
Luis E. Zerpa
Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics