VCMs’ other fragmentation problem 10/27/2023

VCMs’ other fragmentation problem Payne Institute Sustainable Finance Manager Brad Handler writes about how in mid-October, he had the opportunity to attend and present at the biannual World Investment Forum (WIF), sponsored by the UN Conference on Trade and...


GOVERNMENTS’ RECENT STEPS TO ADVANCE CLIMATE IMPACT; SELECT WORLD INVESTMENT FORUM HIGHLIGHTS Payne Institute Sustainable Finance Lab Program Manager Brad Handler writes about the 8th World Investment Forum focused on spurring sustainable development across low and...

Big Oil’s Talent Crisis: High Salaries Are No Longer Enough 8/6/2023

Big Oil’s Talent Crisis: High Salaries Are No Longer Enough Payne Institute Faculty Fellow Jennifer Miskimins contributes to this article about how energy companies scramble to attract engineers as young workers fret over climate and job security.  At U.S. colleges,...

Professor Carol Dahl receives OPEC Award for research 7/5/2023

Professor Carol Dahl receives OPEC Award for research Payne Institute Faculty Fellow Carol Dahl received an OPEC Award for Research that was given in recognition of a career dedicated to the objective study and balanced analysis of the energy sector.  This award,...

Ensuring Sustainable Supply of Critical Minerals for a Clean, Just and Inclusive Energy Transition 5/22/2023

Ensuring Sustainable Supply of Critical Minerals for a Clean, Just and Inclusive Energy Transition Payne Institute Director Morgan Bazilian and other researchers write about how the global clean energy transition involves large-scale deployment of a suite of renewable...

Russia’s War in Ukraine: Green Policies in a New Energy Geopolitics 5/8/2023

Russia’s War in Ukraine: Green Policies in a New Energy Geopolitics Payne Institute Fellow Andreas Goldthau and Director Morgan Bazilian write about how Russia’s brutal aggression has wreaked devastation in Ukraine for more than a year. It has also forced a...