Transition finance advances at COP28 12/12/2023

Transition finance advances at COP28 Payne Institute Program Manager Brad Handler writes about how announcements made during the COP28 climate talks signal progress on several fronts when it comes to unlocking finance to support the energy transition.  Transition...

Mines researchers discovering new ceramic materials to support the hydrogen economy 7/10/2023

Mines researchers discovering new ceramic materials to support the hydrogen economy Ryan O’Hayre and his team are focused on the development of protonic ceramics, with applications in all sorts of electrochemical energy conversion technologies. Electrolysis...

Rising Costs’ Impact on Renewable Power Generation 6/27/2023

Rising Costs’ Impact on Renewable Power Generation Payne Institute Program Manager Brad Handler and student researcher Mason Shandy write about how the inflationary pressures that have gripped the global economy over the last 18 months, along with central banks’...

A new attempt at building a carbon futures market 6/27/2023

A new attempt at building a carbon futures market Payne Institute Sustainable Finance Lab Program Manager Brad Handler writes about how Climate Impact X is the latest operator to try to foster exchange-based trade in voluntary carbon credits.  Singapore-based Climate...

Zimbabwe’s Attack on Carbon Offsets 6/6/2023

Zimbabwe’s attack on carbon offsets Payne Institute Program Manager Brad Handler and Director Morgan Bazilian write about how Zimbabwe’s announcement that it is canceling all carbon offset contracts in its borders and demanding a larger government share of any...