Nuclear thermal propulsion is key to keeping peace in space 2/14/2022

Nuclear thermal propulsion is key to keeping peace in space Payne Institute Fellow Alex Gilbert writes about how the strategic mandate for nuclear propulsion of US satellites and space-based assets to evade the growing threat from Russia and China’s anti-satellite...

Space exploration and development is essential to fighting climate change 8/16/2021

Space exploration and development is essential to fighting climate change Payne Institute Fellow Alex Gilbert writes about how the recently released Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presents a worrying scientific consensus:...

Identifying Governance Challenges for Nuclear Energy on the Moon 5/17/2021

Identifying Governance Challenges for Nuclear Energy on the Moon Payne Institute Fellow Alex Gilbert writes about how as countries and companies look to expand economic and scientific activities to the Moon and beyond, the performance advantages of nuclear energy...