Building a safe and accountable community

Taking care of someone who has had too much to drink

Signs of alcohol poisoning

-Mental Confusion   -Vomiting   -Seizures   -Slurred Speech   -Slow Breathing (Less than 8/minute)   -Irregular Breathing   -Hypothermia

What should you do?

-Do not wait to confirm symptoms   -Call 911 and ask for a Wellness Check   -Lay the person in the recovery position

What is it?

Bystander Intervention is a philosophy and strategy for prevention of various types of violence, including bullying, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence

Steps for intervention

Notice the event, Interpret the Event as a problem, Assume personal responsibility for intervening, Identify a safe and appropriate method for intervention, Use acquired skills to effectively intervene.

Bystander Intervention

Calculate Your B.A.C.

Follow the link below to calculate your blood alcohol content!

Our Committee

The various members of the A.S.A.P. group are dedicated to maintaining an environment that supports and promotes healthy lifestyles including the academic and personal development of all members of the university community.

Taylor McRae


Eric Kressin


Lauren Jensen

Counseling Center

Isabelle Jeffries

Greek Life

Carolyn Dennee


Nicole Arnush


Debbie Roberge

Health Center

Mary Elliott

Residence Life

Greg Bohlen

Public Safety

Derek Morgan

Campus Life and Student Success