Smoke Free at Mines
According to the CDC, cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths. Colorado’s sky high teen vaping rate was the highest in the nation in 2017, despite research that shows nicotine, an ingredient in both e-cigarettes and combustible cigarettes, harms brain development.
Smoking Policy:
Mines updated its smoking and vaping policy in 2019. In brief, no smoking or vaping is permitted inside buildings on the Mines campus or inside Mines owned vehicles. Please be courteous to others and smoke or vape in designated areas only. Read the current smoking policy here.
Designated smoking areas:
• Behind Weaver residence hall
• Behind Student Center
• Behind the Green Center
• Behind the GRL & GRL Annex
• behind Mines Park Shops building
Resources and Support:
The best way to reduce your risk of developing smoking-related illnesses is to quit. Getting support to help you quit is the best way to be successful. Even with support, you may make a number of attempts before you quit for good. Here are some resources to help you quit:
Health Impacts of Vaping:
- E-cigarettes are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. No controls for nicotine dosage or safety are in place.
- Center for Disease Control warning on vaping! Outbreak of Lung Disease Associated with E-Cigarette Use, or Vaping
- Aerosol vapor from vape products can contain dangerous toxins, including heavy metals and cancer causing chemicals
- Nicotine is found in most vape products and 100% of JUULs
- Nicotine causes lasting cognitive and behavior impairments, including effects on working memory and attention
- Many people who vape start smoking
- For more information about the health impacts of vaping, visit the CDC’s site on vaping in young adults and the Truth Initiative.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why was tobacco use selected versus other health risks? Tobacco, when used as intended, leads to serious health problems, including death. Smoking, in particular, exposes individuals choosing not to use tobacco to the same dangers through secondhand smoke.
What exactly is covered by this policy? This policy covers all forms of smoking products, including cigarettes, pipes and cigars. Smoking on campus using electronic cigarettes and other similar devices are also banned under the policy except in designated smoking areas.
How will this policy be enforced? Any member of the Mines community may respectfully remind individuals of this policy and request compliance. Repeat violations will be handled through the college’s established procedures just like other policy violations.
How does smoking endanger others? The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 2.5 million nonsmokers have died from exposure to secondhand smoke since 1964. The same organization warns that even brief exposure to smoke negatively impacts the health of a nonsmoker. The problem is significant; over 40 percent of non-smokers test positive for cotinine, a dangerous nicotine byproduct of cigarette smoke.
What about other forms of tobacco? The use of mouth tobacco (to include dipping, chewing, etc.) is prohibited in all buildings owned or controlled by Mines.