Thanks, Orediggers!

Thanks, Orediggers!

Helena McCormick

Thank you to all my professors for being understanding, accommodating, and supportive of all your students this semester. As a student, it is greatly appreciated to know that our struggle during such odd times is understood by faculty. We also know times are difficult for you as well and are trying our best to show the same level of understanding and support to the faculty.

Julie Ann Williams

I would like to publicly thank the entire Green Center student staff: Aaron Pampalone, Abby Bissell, Bryan Carrillo, Bryan Dickson, Cameron Webb, Dalton Metz, Daniel Sanchez, Ethan Brucker, Maddy Dawes, and Tyler Clark. This semester has altered their job duties in many ways, and they have remained flexible and understanding throughout all of the uncertainty. They continue to be reliable, present, help each other, wear masks and clean, and helped support the classrooms and professors. They...

Perry Harris

Dr. Elliot Kapit has been the most empathetic and compassionate professor that I have ever had the pleasure to be educated by at the Colorado School of Mines. Dr. Kapit has taken this unusual semester and truly facilitated it in a way that his students could still learn in a positive environment. Not only have his lectures been very interesting and informative, but he resonates with the struggles that his students have experienced during this pandemic. He has been extremely understanding and...


This is Amelia Read’s first semester teaching at Mines; teaching Computer Organization. She has done a phenomenal job building and extending the course beyond past offerings. She is also able to keep student engagement in class by working ‘with’ students instead of ‘in front of’ students. The detailed and monotonous nature of the class was minimized by her teaching style, and Mines should be grateful for such dedicated faculty.