On and Off Campus Resources

If you, or someone you know, experience discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence,  dating violence, or stalking, there are many resources on the Mines campus, as well as in the local community.

If you have questions regarding on-campus or off-campus resources, please contact our office. In case of an emergency, please dial 911.­

Confidential Campus Resources

SHAPE Office

Sexual Harassment and Assault Advocacy Prevention and Education


Providing advocacy support for survivors of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Providing educational opportunities to prevent violence and to promote safe, healthy relationships. Supporting Mines’ goal of creating a safe and inclusive campus community.

Counseling Center


The Counseling Center offers confidential counseling, support, group therapy, case management, and maintains a list of off-campus providers. The team includes clinicians with experience in supporting people impacted by trauma. Request an Appointment

The Counseling Center also partners with Thriving Campus, a searchable database of area providers.

Student Health


Student Health provides access to health services for all Mines students regardless of insurance. Their team includes providers with experience treating individuals impacted by trauma, including sexual violence. Student Health offers free or low cost STI testing and treatment, and birth control options including Plan B.

Non-Confidential Campus Resources

Campus Safety
Police Department


The Mines Police Department is dedicated to maintaining an environment that is safe and allows our educational mission to occur without disruption. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community and primarily responsible for developing services, programs and strategies for maintaining a safe campus. It’s our mission to make the Mines campus the safest campus in Colorado.


Student Outreach and Support

Case management and resource connection. Behavioral Intervention Team. helps students navigate personal and academic challenges they may face while at Mines through case management and resource connection. If you or someone you know needs support, please contact SOS to get connected.

Student Emergency Fund


When our students are in need, Mines is here for them. We call it living our Oredigger values. The SEF is fund set aside to provide financial resources to Orediggers facing difficult circumstances like the loss of a family member, natural disasters, unhealthy living situations, food insecurity, or other emergency situations.

CARE at Mines

Crisis Assessment, Response and Education


The resources linked to this website will provide you with information on tools and techniques for helping, identifying concerning behaviors, and ways to report incidents. Each member of the Mines community is encouraged to review the resources and make the choice to provide assistance to those in need or contact those at Mines who are trained to help whenever a situation arises.


Mines Multicultural Engineering Program


Academic support, professional development, student support. Advises: American Indiana Science and Engineering Society, Kickstart, National Society of Black Engineers, Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.


Center for Academic Support and Advising


Advising and academic support at Mines: Find core review sessions, tutoring, coaching, resources, rentals and faculty. Programs include The CASA Peer Advising program and the Bounce Back course that gives students a concentrated academic coaching experience, providing structure, resources, accountability, and caring support to help each student achieve their goals.

Student Conduct

Office of Community Standards


The Office of Community Standards assists students, staff, and faculty, understand policies and procedures as they relate to Conduct and Academic Integrity at Mines. The mission of the conduct process is intended to be an educational and restorative experience fostering student growth and development through intentional conversation and reflection. 

Human Resources


As a federal contractor and state of Colorado employer, Mines abides by and employees have rights and responsibilities with the following laws and acts. We are here for all things employee related including family support.

SA Support Group

This is a supportive, skills and education-based group for all survivors of sexual/relationship violence. The purpose is to create a safe space that minimizes triggering by avoiding sharing trauma details and maximizes positive coping by introducing and practicing helpful coping skills and fostering a supportive community. 

The group meetings will be held in person at the Mines Counseling Center, on the second floor of the Student Wellness Center.

Students are required to complete a pre-screening for this group. For more information, please contact Lucy Mull, LSW, LAC at lmull@mines.edu or Melissa Linden, Intern at melissa.linden@mines.edu.

Off-Campus Resources

Legal Rights and Options

Legal information Network of Colorado
The Legal Information Network of Colorado (LINC) is a collaborative network that provides confidential, no-cost, comprehensive legal information services for crime victims in the Denver metro area. LINC brings together all of the legal resources available to victims and streamlines the process so victims can focus on their recovery and well-being

Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center is a Colorado nonprofit law firm providing free legal services to victims of crime in Colorado through our Victim Rights Legal Services, Legal Information Network of Colorado, and Title IX programs.

Off Campus Law Enforcement
Additionally, you have legal rights. You have the right to file a complaint with law enforcement and/or with Mines. Law Enforcement Agencies can respond. You also have the legal right to not file a report if you choose.

If the crime occurred in a jurisdiction outside of Golden, then the case will be transferred to the respective jurisdiction.

Medical Options

St. Anthony’s Hospital
To make an appointment for a medical forensic exam/SANE exam call: 303-430-2468

Statewide Sane Locations (.pdf)

24-Hour Crisis Lines

The Blue Bench

Jefferson Center for Mental Health

Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network

Colorado State Employee Assistance Program

Colorado Crisis

Other Support Resources

The Center on Colfax
LGTB resource center serving the Denver-metro area.

Family Tree/Women in Crisis Center
Legal advocacy program.

Porchlight Family Justice Center
One-stop help center for survivors of violence, including counseling, forensic exams, case management, basic needs, protection orders.

Contact Us

1600 Jackson St., Suite 190
Golden, CO 80401
