Discover Hidden Data Patterns in Microbiome for Improved Human Health

Project InfoDiscover Hidden Data Patterns in Microbiome for Improved Human HealthHua Wang | and Judith Klein | judithklein@mines.eduAlthough communities of microorganisms, originally referred to as microbiota, have been studied for a long time, the...

Characterizing change in biomass during diurnal growth of algae

Project InfoCharacterizing change in biomass during diurnal growth of algaeNanette Boyle | nboyle@mines.eduWith increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it is important that we develop more sustainable sources of fuels and chemicals. The Boyle lab is...

Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Next Generation Battery Materials

Project InfoScalable Nanomanufacturing of Next Generation Battery MaterialsColin Wolden | cwolden@mines.eduWe are scaling up a green process that takes the industrial waste hydrogen sulfide (H2S, rotten eggs) and reacts it with alkali metals (Na, Li) in solution,...