The Office of Undergraduate Research Scholars & UHSP Presents

The 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium

The 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium was held in person on Tuesday, September 26th. Poster presentations took place in the CoorsTek Atrium from 2:00p-3:00p MT.  

Please contact with any questions or concerns.

Fall 2023 Symposium Recap

learn about the poster presenters

The 2023 SURF Cohort presented their posters at the 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Congratulations to the 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium poster winners!

#1 |  Praise Olusoji, Senior, Quantitative Biological Engineering | Mentors: Melissa Krebs, CBE, Bikram Adhikari, Doctoral in CBE | Alginate/Chitosan hydrogels with Sustained Release of MAPK14-Targeting siRNA Knock Down Osteogenesis of hMSCs In Vitro

#2 (tie) | Andrew Jones, Senior, Mechanical Engineering | Mentor: Joy Gockel, Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Metals

#2 (tie) | Armand Ovanessians, Senior, Quantitative Biological Engineering | Mentor: Susanta Sarkar, Physics | The Human Protein Structure Targetome

#3 | Grant Bell, Senior, Chemistry | Mentor: Alan Sellinger, Chemistry | Organic Synthesis of Plastics and Glasses used in Nuclear Materials Detection

People’s Choice Award | Maya Maes-Johnson, Senior, Applied Mathematics and Statistics | Mentors: Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Geology and Geological Engineering, Molly O’Halloran, Doctoral in Geology and Geological Engineering | It’s Getting Hot in Here: Fluvial Response to Climate Change During the Early Paleogene

View the winning posters here. 

More about the Symposium


Final Registration Form due for Student Presenters: September 1, 2023

Final Registration Form for Judges & Volunteers: Rolling until filled

Posters Printed: September 1st through September 25th

Poster Presentations: Tuesday, September 26th 2023, 2pm-3pm in the CoorsTek Atrium

Further information may be announced closer to the symposium date.


If you are a student presenter, you must complete the registration form by September 1st 2023 at 11:59pm. This form is where student presenters will submit their final project information and abstract. Once students submit a form, an email containing their abstract will be sent to their faculty mentor and any accompanying undergraduate student researchers they listed in the form. Students must revise their work thoroughly and get approval from their mentor and any accompanying undergraduate student researchers before submitting. The information students submit in the final form will be featured in the printed Undergraduate Research Symposium Booklet of Abstracts and will be published to this website following the Symposium.

Students DO NOT need to submit a copy of their poster in the final form, but their poster should also be approved by their mentor before they send the poster to print. Please select the toggles below to learn more about guidance for poster recommendations and how to submit a poster to be printed.

Please note, there should be one application per project. If several undergraduate students worked in the same research group on the same project and they plan on presenting at the Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, the students should collaborate and submit one application and print one poster.

about the symposium

The 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held in person on Tuesday, September 26th. Poster presentations will take place in the the CoorsTek Atrium from 2:00p-3:00pm MT. All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to join us in celebrating our hardworking undergraduate researchers and their dedicated mentors!

Through this research symposium, undergraduate student researchers who conducted research over the summer are invited to display their work in person at Mines. This unique opportunity gives emerging researchers the chance to mingle with peers, share their hard work with a larger audience, and build their portfolio. Undergraduate students from all disciplines are invited to participate as presenters. Everyone is invited to explore the breadth of interdisciplinary research conducted by researchers at Mines.

For further information, please contact the office of Undergraduate Research Scholars at

information for Judges and volunteers

Who’s eligible to be a judge or volunteer?

We encourage judges and volunteers from all departments to partake in this event. All interested faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to judge and/or volunteer. Undergraduate student presenters are encouraged to present their research in a way that communicates their project effectively regardless of their audience’s background.

What is the time commitment of a judge or volunteer?

It depends. Generally, judging will take a half-hour to hour total (or about 15-20 minutes per project). Student presentations are fairly short, but judges may have additional questions before ranking the poster or oral talk. As for volunteers, the time commitment depends on how much time you are able to spare. Our office will need the most help during set-up and clean-up.

How will student projects be evaluated?

Student projects will be evaluated differently depending on the format with which they chose to visually represent their work. Rubrics might ask judges to evaluate qualities such as visual organization, delivery, introduction, methods, conclusions, discussion, and interaction.

What is the judging and volunteer timeline?

Judging will take place during poster presentations on Tuesday, September 26th from 2-3pm MT. During judging, we ask all participating judges to ask questions of students. Students ability to summarize and explain their research will be factored into judging. 

For further information, please contact the office of Undergraduate Research Scholars at

guidelines, tips, & resources

How to print a poster at Mines

The Office of Undergraduate Research Scholars will cover the cost of the first poster printed by student researchers presenting at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Though you can order your poster to be printed anytime via the HelpDesk ticket system, there is a rigid timeline in which your poster must be printed. All posters must be printed between October12th and October 27th. Please follow the instructions below carefully:

  • After you are finished making your poster, save it with a PDF file extension formatted for printing. Poster files should not be larger than 20mb. Prior to submitting a HelpDesk ticket, make sure your poster looks good. We recommend doing a scaled down test print on an 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper to make sure your poster looks presentable, legible, and the color is accurate.
  • Once you have completed the final registration form, submit your poster for printing to ITS using the following instructions:
    1. Follow the link to the HelpDesk ticket for poster printing: ITS Poster Printing Ticket
    2. Click the orange button, “Request Poster Print”. Fill out, “Name of Project/Poster” with your poster title, “Requestor” with your name, and “Acct/Dept” with “Student”.
    3. Under “Select Payment Option”, select “Sponsored Group”. Under “Specify the group paying for the poster”, select “Undergraduate Research Symposium”. If you follow these steps, there is no cost to print your first poster. If your poster needs to be reprinted because of a formatting error, you will be responsible to cover the charges for printing it the second time.
    4. Lastly, under “Date and Time to Pick Up Requested Poster”, please give yourself enough time before the Symposium to pick it up and review it. Under “Poster Paper Widths Available” select the size of your PDF document. Posters should be 48 inches in width (left to right) and 36 inches in height (top to bottom).
  • Once you have printed your poster, we encourage you to drop it off at our office (1704 Illinois St. Rm 105) for safe keeping until the Symposium. This step is optional but will help our office better prepare for the symposium.
Tips when creating a poster presentation

Save your poster with a .pdf file extension. When you create your poster, also consider how you might verbally present your research. How you talk about your research to passersby should compliment your poster. Please view both the “Creating your Poster” and the “Talking About your Research” section of this toggle for general guidance. If you would like to view examples of posters, we encourage you visit our 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium Project Gallery or search for additional examples online.


Creating your Poster

  • Creating Your Content: When you distill your research into a poster ready format, first and foremost, please speak to your mentor. For additional help, you should consider scheduling an appointment at the Writing Center through their online scheduler. Generally, effective posters include:
    • Title that effectively communicates subject matter
    • Purpose/objectives clearly stated
    • Applicability or relevance of work identified
    • Concise explanation of methods/analysis used
    • Methods used clearly conveyed
    • Conclusions supported by data
    • Funding sources acknowledged
  • Choosing a Program (to Create Your Poster): There are many programs you can use to create a poster ranging in costs and discoverability. Regardless, make sure the program you’re using allows you to create a custom document size (not to exceed 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall). Many researchers use Microsoft PowerPoint or Publisher because these are inexpensive and easy to use. You can also use more advance programs like Adobe Illustrator or InDesign; but, these can have a steep learning curve and tend to be very expensive. Some free, open source options include LibreOffice, Gimp, or Inkscape.
  • Height & Width: Posters printed at Mines should not exceed 48 inches in width (left to right) and 36 inches in height (top to bottom) at 72 – 300 DPI. Posters should be legible form a few feet away.
  • Color: It is recommended you choose a lighter color for the poster background, preferably white. There are no other color restrictions for the text and images.
  • Font: Make sure the poster title and the author names are clearly identified. Choose a font size such that text on your poster is legible when looked at from a distance. Here is a recommendation for font sizes:
    • 85 pt for the title
    • 56 pt for the authors
    • 36 pt for the subtitles
    • 24 pt for the main text
    • 18 pt for image captions
  • General Principles of Design: Avoid using excessive text as it makes it difficult to follow the poster. Use appropriate graphics wherever possible as they can convey information effectively and make the poster look appealing.


Talking About Your Research

  • Length: The length of time you spend talking about your research will vary, but it’s advisable to prepare an elevator pitch to briefly summarize your research. Generally, this is a 1-2 minute summary discussing the most important and interesting parts of your project in a way that anyone can understand.
  • Content: How you talk about your research should be planned and practiced. Keep it concise and make sure to touch on the tacit points of your research. Be mindful of your audience and pacing. The best poster presentations invite questions while still breaking down your research for an audience that might know very little about your project. Try answering the question, “What is your research about?” and “Why is it interesting?” in a way that makes sense to researchers and non-researchers alike.