Summer 2021 URPS Poster Gallery Form
This form is for student researchers currently participating in the Underground Infrastructure REU or the Materials REU who would like to submit their poster to the Summer 2021 UR Poster Session Virtual Poster Gallery. The Summer 2021 URPS will take place Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021. This event will include live poster presentations on Zoom from 9:45am-12pm MST and an open access Virtual Poster Gallery. All students who present at the Summer 2021 URPS should: 1) Sign-up for a time to present on Sign-up Genius, 2) Submit their poster and abstract via this form, and 3) Register for the Zoom Meeting on August 3rd. If you have not done so already, please make sure you sign-up to present on the Sign-up Genius (sent via mail) before you proceed. If you have not received a link to the Sign-up Genius Form; a link will be sent to you after submission of this form.