Mines Green Fund

About the Green Fund

The goal of the Mines Green Fund is to empower students to take an active role in making Mines a leader in sustainability. The Sustainability Office will provide micro grants for projects that reduce Mines’ negative impact on the environment. The Green Fund is a micro grant for student sustainability projects on Mines’ campus. Project funding amounts typically range from $100 to $1,000. Projects will be selected for funding by a Green Fund Committee consisting of students, faculty, and staff and managed by the Sustainability Office. Currently, the Green Fund is funded by surplus property sales and projects are funded based on funding available.


Project proposals may be submitted by students, staff, and faculty. Individuals and organizations outside of Mines may not submit proposals. It is highly encouraged for the projects to be student initiated.

Criteria for Projects

  • Projects must help Mines’ sustainability goals outlined in its Sustainability Plan.
  • Projects must promote environmental sustainability on Mines’ campus. Projects must have a clearly-defined, measurable outcome.
  • Funding will not support projects already mandated by law or by policy directive (e.g., standards for new building construction), since Mines is already obliged to allocate funds for such projects.
  • All projects shall have a mechanism for evaluation and follow-up after funding has been dispersed.
  • At minimum, students should be able to submit a short one-page summary of the project and whether it was successful.

To apply for a Green Fund, send me a short description of your idea and how it contributes to campus sustainability. Email your ideas to Lauren Poole at poole@mines.edu.