Project Info

Autonomous and Interactive Robot Tour Guide

Kaveh Fathian

Project Goals and Description:

The aim of this project is to design autonomy algorithms and software that enable an autonomous robot tour guide. Our long-term vision is to create a robot dog tour guide (using the Boston Dynamics Spot robot at ARIA lab) that guides visitors around campus buildings autonomously and provides information. The display onboard robot will dynamically show facts or information about points of interest around campus for the visitors.  We will further add user input functionalities, which will allow the visitors to tell the robot where they want to go next. The student assigned to this project will work/collaborate with the Autonomy team at the ARIA lab. Toward materializing the project vision, the student will implement algorithms that enable the robot to avoid obstacles and adapt to a challenging dynamic environment, such as crowded environments with many pedestrians. In addition, AI and deep learning techniques will be used to detect and track pedestrians, consequently, allowing the robot to keep track of the visitors while autonomously navigating to the next location. We expect the impact of this project to go beyond providing robotic tours. As the project enables a robot to both display and receive information to and from the users,  we expect this functionality will further find application in assistive robotics, healthcare and hospitality, and interactive learning. 

More Information:

Grand Challenge: Engineer the tools of scientific discovery.
Lab website: Autonomous navigation (Nav2): Community-made plugins for Nav2: ROS documentation: Computer vision: Human-robot Interaction:    

Primary Contacts:

Kaveh Fathian

Student Preparation


There should be a low barrier for entry, but experience with ROS2, Nav2, and the simulation software (Gazebo and RVIZ) is very helpful. Experience with computer vision and human-robot interaction is also a plus. Must have an interest in robotics!


5 hours per week


Experience with Robot Operating System (ROS2), autonomous navigation (Nav2), computer vision, simulations, UI design, human-robot interaction, git, good software engineering practices, and working in a team on a large project.


The student will be assigned a PhD student mentor and will meet with the faculty advisor on a weekly basis. The PhD student and the faculty advisor will help the student onboard by sharing resources and teaching required material to fill any knowledge gaps. The student is expected to work with other lab members, create reports of the progress, and discuss the progress with the mentors. Successful students will gain experience with conducting academic research and performing robotic experiments. In addition, interested students have the opportunity to participate as co-authors of the academic papers published by the lab.

Preferred Student Status

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