Project Info

Investigation of Nitrile Hydratases: Metalloproteins and Biocatalysis

Richard Holz

Project Goals and Description:

Nitrile hydratase is an interesting metalloenzyme that can catalyze the conversion of nitriles to amides. This is relevant to multiple industries, such as, pharmaceuticals, livestock feed, polymers, and plastics. If this biocatalytic conversion using nitrile hydratase could be further understood and industrialized, it would provide great benefits to the economic feasibility of amide production. To better utilize this chemistry, further understanding of the reaction catalyzed by nitrile hydratase is necessary. This project focuses on understanding the enzyme through biochemical techniques such as kinetic analysis, spectroscopy, small molecule models, and crystallography.

More Information:

Grand Challenge: Provide access to clean water.
There are many recent resources a student can refer to for insight on the project. Four of these resources are linked below.

Primary Contacts:

Dr. Rick Holz,

Student Preparation


An undergraduate student should possess a foundational understanding of basic chemistry and biology principles, laboratory techniques, and a commitment to safety protocols. They should have effective communication skills, written and verbal, time management skills, and a willingness to learn and adapt to achieve success.


5 hs.


Participating in this project will provide hands-on experience in enzyme kinetics, spectroscopy, small molecule modeling, and crystallography. The student will learn to design experiments, analyze data, and communicate findings effectively. This interdisciplinary work not only deepens a students understanding, but also equips the student with valuable skills applicable across various scientific fields, from pharmaceuticals to materials science.


We will conduct weekly group meetings where the student is able to check in with the mentors and the group as a whole. The advisor will be available for 1:1 meetings as the student needs. The graduate student mentor will likely meet with the student every week to check in on any goals and work they are doing together.

Preferred Student Status

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