IMURF – Mines indoor/outdoor air quality

Project InfoMines indoor/outdoor air qualityPaulo Cesar Tabares-Velasco | tabares@mines.eduStudent will install and monitor indoor air quality at different location on campus. We will start with Brown, monitoring VOC, ozone and particles. It requires knowledge in...

Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Wind Turbine Analysis

Project InfoSegmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Wind Turbine AnalysisKathryn Johnson | kjohnson@mines.eduThe Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor (SUMR) Wind Turbine is a revolutionary turbine designed by a multi-institutional team under ARPA-E funding. It represents a...

Hardware Development for Atomic Scale Tomography

Project Info Hardware Development for Atomic Scale Tomography Brian Gorman | In this proposed program, a student will assist with designing and building an Atom Probe Tomography instrument within the objective lens of a Transmission Electron...