Project Info

Quantifying the Migration of Biochar in Soil: Implications for Near-Surface Hydrology and Carbon Storage

Brandon Dugan

Project Goals and Description:

Biochar as a soil ameliorant has been researched as a method of increasing the hydrological characteristics of soil while simultaneously providing an alternative carbon sequestration option. The impacts of biochar on soil productivity include an increased porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and water retention. Assuming that the biochar is not removed from the soil system, it can remain and provide these benefits for an extensive amount of time. However, biochar tends to mobilize both vertically and laterally within the soil dependent on the imposed forces on biochar particles. This project will investigate the migration behavior of biochar vertically within soil columns using multiple methods and how this impacts groundwater flow and carbon storage. We will use laboratory experiments and geophysical techniques to develop of process-based understanding of what controls biochar migration, where carbon is stored as a function of time, and how the migration affects fluid migration.

More Information:

Grand Challenge: Develop carbon sequestration methods.

Primary Contacts:

Brandon Dugan | Amanda Howell

Student Preparation


Student should have introductory physics and introductory geology. Experience with physical experiments and/or data analysis is helpful but not required.


4-5 hrs/week


Data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Multi-disciplinary training in geology, hydrology, and geophysics. Lab skills related to hydrology and geophysics.


Dugan, Howell, and the student will start with making sure that the student has clearly defined goals and a broad understanding for how this adds on to previous work and will be used to motivate a future proposal. Dugan/Howell will meet weekly with the student to make sure we have regular, small milestones that lead to the overall goal. Dugan/Howell will also work with the student on written and oral communication skills with one goal to have the student present at an (inter)national conference.

Preferred Student Status

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