Project Info

Robotic Platform Agnostic SLAM

Kaveh Fathian

Project Goals and Description:

This project will develop a versatile sensor backpack featuring a standardized mounting platform adaptable to various robot models. The primary objective is to enable simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) alongside motion planning, empowering robots to navigate seamlessly within their environments. A key objective is tackling the complex challenge of establishing a standardized and user-friendly method for conducting SLAM across diverse robotic platforms. This endeavor encompasses two pivotal aspects: the design and implementation of the hardware setup and electronics for the sensor backpack, and the software development to integrate existing (or custom) SLAM algorithms. As the outcome of this project, we expect robots equipped with our sensor backpack can effortlessly traverse any terrain. Our ultimate goal is to deploy these intelligent robots across campus, leveraging their comprehensive understanding of the environment and real-time obstacle avoidance capabilities to navigate autonomously to any destination.

More Information:

Grand Challenge: Engineer the tools of scientific discovery.

Primary Contacts:

Kaveh Fathian

Student Preparation


Interest in robotic hardware and software is a must. Familiarity with C++, ROS2, electronics, manufacturing, or SLAM experience is a plus.


4 hrs/week


Software engineering skills such as experience with Robot Operating System (ROS2), simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), motion planning and autonomy, electric circuit design, and additive and subtractive manufacturing skills such as CAD and 3D printing.


The student will be assigned a PhD student mentor and will meet with the faculty advisor on a weekly basis. The PhD student and the faculty advisor will help the student onboard by sharing resources and teaching required material to fill any knowledge gaps. The student is expected to work with other lab members, create reports of the progress, and discuss the progress with the mentors. Successful students will gain experience with conducting academic research and performing robotic experiments. In addition, interested students have the opportunity to participate as co-authors of the academic papers published by the lab.

Preferred Student Status

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