
Classroom Instruction

Designations of Days on Academic Calendar

On the academic calendar, Mines has the following designations for various types of days:

  1. No Class Days: No academic activities or assessments
  2. No Assessment Days: No proctored or high stakes assessments but classes continue as usual
  3. Last Week of Class (week prior to Finals): Laboratory exams and quizzes, permitted. Classes conducted as usual.
  4. Non-Restrictive Days: Operations as usual
  5. No Common Exams


  • Quizzes are short, low stakes exercises worth a small percentage of the overall course grade that take place on a regular basis.
  • Exams are major exercises that take place only a few times a semester.
Spring Snapshot
No-Class Days

No Academic Activities

No academic activities

Spring break, MLK Day, President’s Day, Friday of E-Days, Review Day, Snow Days

No-Assessment Days

No Assessments (Exams/Quizzes)

No proctored assessments.

Career Days, Thursday  evening of E-Days, Monday after E-Days.

Last Week of Class

No Exams

Quizzes and laboratory exams permitted. See further guidance below.

M-W of Last Week of Class.

Finals Week

Only Final Exams or Final Project.

Only one major assessment per course.

Non-Restrictive Days

All other days

Class operates as usual.

Fall Snapshot
No-Class Days

No Academic Activities

No academic activities

Fall Break, Wednesday  before Thanksgiving, Review Day, Snow Days

No-Assessment Days

No Assessments (Exams/Quizzes)

No proctored or high-stakes assessments.

Career Days

Last Week of Class

No Exams

Quizzes permitted. See further guidance below.

M-W of Last Week of Class

Finals Week

Only Final Exams or Final Project.

Only one major assessment per course

Non-Restrictive Days

All other days

Class operates as usual.

No-Class Days

No-Class Days are days when campus is open, but no academic instruction is taking place.  Snow days are called in the event of inclement weather which would pose a danger to students and faculty in route to campus. No required class meetings, examinations or activities may take place on these days. Faculty members may hold additional office hours or provide extra help and resources, provided these activities are strictly optional. No academic activities or assessments worth any type of credit may be due on these days. This includes make up or take-home exams. No-Class Days should be treated as “holidays” and weekends with no academic participation required.

The Testing Center, although open, will not be providing any types of proctoring services for any type of assessment on these days.


No-Assessment Days

On No-Assessment Days faculty cannot schedule any kind of high-stakes assessment or assessment that requires live proctoring. Academic activities take place at the same time as other significant activities demanding a student’s attention.  The purpose of No-Assessment Days is to allow students to participate in university-sanctioned activities and/or events. Formal assessments needing live participation of any kind which will impact a student’s grade in the class should not be scheduled on these days.

Academic activities” which are permitted by this policy:

  • Introducing new course content and materials during scheduled class time.
  • Conducting laboratory sessions.
  • Requiring homework assignments that are low stakes and do not need to be turned in during class, or in-person.


Academic activities that are explicitly disallowed by this policy include:

  • Scheduling examinations or quizzes, including laboratory exams.
  • Scheduling make-up exams.
  • Assigning a take-home exam that is due on a No-Assessment Day.
  • Assigning a major assessment (any effort worth more than 15% of the overall course grade) to be due on a No-Assessment Day. Projects with their corresponding presentations can count as one major assessment.

The Testing Center, although open, will not be providing any types of proctoring services for any type of assessment on No-Assessment Days.



Contact Us

Registrar's Office
Student Center, Suite E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Registration or student record questions
FAX: 303-384-2253

Tuition Classification & COF questions

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Military and VA Benefit related questions

Graduation questions