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Colorado School of Mines

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Administrative Departments
- Academic Affairs: 303-273-3320
- Admissions: 303-384-2027
- Admissions, Undergraduate: 303-273-3220
- Admissions, Graduate: 303-273-3247 | 800-446-9488
- Alumni Association: 303-273-3275
- Athletics: 303-273-3360
- Beck Venture Center
- Board of Trustees: 303-273-3280
- Budget and Planning: 303-273-3064
- Business Services for Infrastructure and Operations: 303-273-3330
- Campus Events: 303-869-5400
- Capital Planning and Design: 303-273-3077
- Career Center: 303-273-3233
- Center for Academic Services and Advising (CASA): 303-273-3081
- Communications and Marketing (public relations, newsroom)
- Compliance and Policy: 303-384-2546
- Continuing and Professional Education: 303-384-2690
- Controller’s Office: 303-273-3166
- Counseling Center: 303-273-3377
- Disability Support Services: 303-273-3297
- Distribution & Mail Services: 303-273-3267
- Earth and Society Programs Portfolio: 303-273-3321
- Energy and Materials Programs Portfolio: 303-384-2620
- Environmental Health and Safety: 303-273-3316
- Facilities Management: 303-273-3330
- Finance, Administration and Operations: 303-273-3240
- Financial Aid: 303-273-3301
- Food Services: 303-273-3358
- Foundation: 303-273-3275
- Global Education: 303-273-3210
- Global Initiatives and Business Development
- Graduate Studies, Office of: 303-384-2551
- Green Center Reservations: 303-273-3460
- Human Resources: 303-273-3250
- Infrastructure and Operations: 303-273-3330
- Information Technology: 303-384-2345
- Institutional Research: 303-273-3383
- Internal Audit: 303-384-2504
- Labriola Innovation Hub
- McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation: 303-384-2770
- Mines Administrative Processing Services (MAPS): 303-273-3166
- Newsroom (Communications and Marketing)
- Office of Design and Construction (formerly Capital Planning and Construction): 303-273-3568
- Office of General Counsel: 303-273-3325
- Parking: 303-273-3100
- President’s Office: 303-273-3280
- Project Management Office
- Public Safety: 303-273-3333
- Purchasing: 303-273-3258
- Recreational Sports: 303-273-3513
- Registrar: 303-273-3200
- Research Administration: 303-273-3411
- Research and Technology Transfer: 303-273-3327
- Residence Life and Housing: 303-869-5433
- Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership (SAIL): 303-273-3234
- Student Health Center: 303-273-3381
- Student Life: 303-273-3231
- Student Recreation Center: 303-273-3513
- Student Wellness Promotion: 303-273-3377
- Sustainability Office: 303-384-2413
- Title IX: 303-273-3260
- Trefny Innovative Instruction Center
- Undergraduate Studies, Office 0f: 303-273-3670
- Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics: 303-273-3498
Academic Departments
- Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Arthur Lakes Library
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Colorado Geological Survey
- Computer Science
- Economics & Business
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering, Design, & Society
- Geology & Geological Engineering
- Geophysics
- Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Museum of Earth Science
- Petroleum Engineering
- Physics
- University Honors and Scholars Programs
Interdisciplinary Programs
- Advanced Energy Systems
- Additive Manufacturing
- Data Science
- Energy (minor)
- FEA Professional
- Geochemistry
- GIS and Geoinformatics
- Humanitarian Engineering and Science
- Hydrologic Science and Engineering
- Materials Science
- Military Science/ROTC
- Nuclear Science & Engineering
- Operations Research with Engineering
- Quantitative Biosciences and Engineering
- Quantum Engineering
- Robotics
- Space Resources
- Underground Construction and Tunnel Engineering
Student Support Services
- Beck Venture Center
- Bursar’s Office: 303-273-3158
- Career Center: 303-273-3233
- Center for Academic Services and Advising (CASA)
- Counseling Center: 303-273-3377
- Disability Support Services: 303-273-3297
- Financial Aid: 303-273-3301
- Office of Graduate Studies: 303-384-2551
- International Student and Scholar Services
- Labriola Innovation Hub
- Library: 303-273-3690
- McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation: 303-384-2770
- New Student & Transition Services: 303-869-5550
- Recreational Sports: 303-273-3513
- Registrar’s Office: 303-273-3200
- Residence Life and Housing: 303-869-5433
- Special Programs and Continuing Education: 303-384-2690
- Student Activities: 303-273-3234
- Student Health Center: 303-273-3381
- Student Life: 303-273-3231
- Student Wellness Center: 303-273-3377
- Writing Center: 303-273-3085