Registration Errors
Registration Errors
There are several messages that may prevent students from being able to register for classes via Trailhead. Below, you will find information regarding the most common of these messages, as well as how to correct the problem so that the class or classes can be added to your schedule. Use the links below to go directly to information regarding the message that you are receiving:
- Closed
- Closed-Waitlisted
- Department Restriction
- Level Restriction
- Link Error
- Major Restriction or Field of Study Restriction
- Maximum Hours Exceeded
- Open – Reserved for Waitlist
- Prereq & Test Score
- Time Conflict
- Too Many Attempts Made to Register
If you are receiving a message that is not listed here, please contact the Registrar’s Office at to resolve the issue.
Students are responsible for their course schedules. Please be aware that the Registrar’s Office WILL NOT register students for classes unless there is an extenuating circumstance. Students MUST register for all courses online via Trailhead. All registration must be completed online via Trailhead by 5:00 PM on the Add Deadline.
Reason: This message will appear when the course is at maximum capacity (full). This means that there are no more seats available in the class for more students to register.
Solution: The student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a CLOSED override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
Reason: This message will appear when the course is at maximum capacity (full). This means that there are no more seats available in the class for more students to register. When the “Waitlisted” notation appears, this means that there is a waitlist assigned to the course. This function allows students to add their names to a list so that they can be automatically enrolled once space in the class becomes available.
Solution: The student can add his or her name to the waitlist, and reserve a space in the class should one become available. To do so, look for the drop-down menu under “Action” on the registration add error screen. Change the drop-down field to read “Waitlisted On the Web,” and submit the changes. This will add the student’s name to the waitlist for that course.
NOTE: Students CANNOT use the Registration Action form to enroll in waitlisted classes.
Department Restriction
Reason: This message will appear when a student is attempting to register for a class that is restricted to students whose major is housed within a particular department (different from the student’s department).
Solution: The student must either declare his or her major in that department in order to register for classes that are restricted to that department, or the student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a DEPT override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
Level Restriction
Reason: This message may appear when an undergraduate student is attempting to register for a course that is offered at a different level than the student’s current level. (For example, an undergraduate trying to register for a graduate (anything 500-level or above) course, or a graduate trying to register for an undergraduate course.) It may also appear when a student is attempting to register for a course that is restricted only to students at a certain grade level. (For example, a sophomore student will receive this message when trying to register for a course that is restricted to senior-level students.)
- When an undergraduate student wishes to register for graduate-level courses, the student will need to submit an Undergraduate 500-level form.
- When a graduate student wishes to register for undergraduate-level courses, he or she must contact the Registrar’s Office either in person or via email to have the course level overridden. The student must provide the CRN for the class and his or her CWID.
- When a student wishes to register for a course that is restricted to students at a certain grade level (i.e., Juniors & Seniors), the student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a CLASS override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
Link Error (This will normally be followed by a number and letter notation. For example, “LINK ERROR – L1 REQUIRED.”)
Reason: This message will appear when a student is attempting to register for a course that has a lab, recitation, or studio section attached to it, and only one CRN has been submitted.
Solution: To register for certain classes, both the lecture portion (example: PHGN 100-A) and the lab/recitation/studio portion (example: PHGN 100-SA) must be submitted at the same time. The student must choose one lecture section (this section will always be noted by a single letter) and one lab section (this section will always be two or three letters and/or numbers, like SA or R2 or LHA). Both sections must be selected at once, either by checking both boxes on the Class Search page or by entering both CRNs to the Add & Drop Classes Worksheet on Trailhead. Once both sections are submitted, the registration should be complete.
Major Restriction or Field of Study Restriction
Reason: This message will appear when a student is attempting to register for a class that is restricted to students with a certain major declared, and that major is different from the one the student has declared.
Solution: The student must either declare his or her major in order to register for classes that are restricted to that major, or the student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a MAJOR override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
Maximum Hours Exceeded
Reason: This message will appear when a student is attempting to register for a class that forces him or her over the maximum credit hour limit. (The normal limits during the Fall and Spring semesters are 19.0 for undergraduate students, and 15.0 for graduate students. For field and summer, the maximum for all students is 12.0 hours.)
Solution: The student must either drop another course from his or her schedule to allow enough hours to register for the new class, or obtain a Registration Action form from the Registrar’s Office and have his or her advisor approve an increase to the student’s maximum credit hours for that semester. The form must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office so that the student can register for the additional class or classes via Trailhead.
Open – Reserved for Waitlist
Reason: This message will appear when a student attempts to register for a course where one or more openings have already been offered to waitlisted students, and those waitlisted students are still within the 24-hour window of opportunity to accept those openings. In other words, even though the on-line class schedule appears to indicate that openings exist, those openings are temporarily reserved for currently waitlisted students with the highest priority on the waitlist.
Solution: The student should continue to monitor course enrollment as displayed in the on-line course schedule, and should continue to attempt registration. In the event that a currently waitlisted student does not accept the offer to register, there may be opportunities for another student to add him- or herself to the waitlist.
Prereq and Test Score
Reason: This message may appear because a student is missing one or more of the prerequisites required to enroll in a class (see number 1 below). It may also appear for graduate students who are attempting to register for undergraduate courses (see number 2 below).
- The student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a PREREQ override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
- Graduate students do not need clearance signatures from the instructor in order to register for undergraduate classes. Students may either come to the Registrar’s Office, or send an email directly from their Mines email account with their name, CWID, and CRN/s of the class/es he or she would like to enroll in. Students will receive an email confirmation once the message has been cleared so that they may register through Trailhead following the normal procedure.
Time Conflict
Reason: This message will appear when a student is attempting to register for a course that either starts or ends at the same time another course starts or ends, or a course that overlaps with another course in which he or she is currently enrolled.
Solution: The student must either drop the course that is conflicting with the new course so that he or she may register, or the student will need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) electronically to petition for a TIME override (link found on the “Registrar’s Office” card on Trailhead); the course department will review the request and, if approved, the student will receive a notification with instructions for how to register for the course.
Too Many Attempts Made to Register
Reason: You have tried an excessive number of times to register for classes, usually in excess of hundreds of adds/drops or other regsitration actions. This means that you have exceed the normal course registration activity within the set limit. Please note that utilizing computer programs, scripting, use of web robots and so forth to register for courses is not an appropriate use of the registration system and could lead to violoation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Solution: Once the limit has be met for your registration attempts, it is not possible for you to do any further registration for the term. All subsequent adds, drops, credit changes, grading option changes, etc, need to be handled in person by appointment only in the Registrar’s office. Please seek assistance from your academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office for understanding of how to use the registration system so that many registration changes are not required. Use your Degree Evaluation to track your degree progress.
Contact Us
Registrar's Office
Student Center, Suite E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401
Registration or student record questions
FAX: 303-384-2253
Tuition Classification & COF questions
Transfer credit questions
Military and VA Benefit related questions
Graduation questions