For the keynote lunch, we aim to celebrate the diversity of backgrounds that make up Mines and are excited to provide an opportunity for all faculty, staff and students to share their favorite memories surrounding food with the Oredigger community. If you have a favorite dish you would like considered for the buffet table, you are invited to submit your recipe and a brief description of why the dish holds significance to you via the form below. 

Due January 23, 2023

Questions and Answers from the Oredigger Community

Who is being asked to contribute recipes?

All Orediggers – students, faculty and staff. We aim to celebrate the diversity of backgrounds that make up Mines and are excited to provide an opportunity for those who choose to participate to share their favorite memories surrounding food with the Oredigger community.


Will authentic ingredients be used?

That is our intention. We will review recipe submissions with Sodexo to make sure ingredients are available/affordable for 200+ people. Please include any special preparation or cooking techniques for the chefs.

Am I responsible for purchasing the ingredients?

No. We will work with Sodexo on the menu and they will send the final bill to Mines DI&A.

Who is cooking these recipes to exemplify authenticity?

Sodexo team members. Recipe submitters may communicate with Sodexo at any time to verify their comfort and ability to re-create the dish. We are happy to facilitate that communication.

Will individuals or groups receive acknowledgment for their contribution of recipes?

Absolutely. We will acknowledge everyone by name who has their recipe selected for the buffet. This is why we ask for a description of why the dish is important to the group/individual as it will be shared with attendees at the keynote lunch. The intent is to connect with each other through favorite memories surrounding food.

Have a question? Let us know at diversity@mines.edu. We will add your question with an answer to this list. If you’re curious about something, someone else likely is, too.