Major change form

The major change form is used by all enrolled Mines students who want to change their current major on record. Use the major change form below if you want to change to another major or different track within your major.

If you have any issues accessing the form, please email

If you have questions about the processing of your form, please email

 Major changes are processed weekly. Students whose change of major results in a change of CASA advisor and/or faculty mentor (2nd years and up only) should see an update to their advisor and mentor assignments in Trailhead within approximately one month of submitting their form. Updates will typically be put on hold during the peak registration period. 

Major changes for incoming first year students must be submitted prior to July 1 through the Admissions portal. Updates for incoming first year students may not be processed if submitted between July 1 and the start of term.

Major Change form

This form is for ALL mines students who want to change their current major.

ADA Accessibility: CASA’s new location in Aspen Hall, 1869 W. Campus Rd., is not ADA accessible. If you require ADA accessibility, we are happy to work with you! Please consider scheduling an online appointment or e-mailing 48 hours in advance to set up an appointment in a common ADA accessible area on campus.