Every Oredigger is a comprehensive campus-wide initiative to encourage wellbeing — in all its dimensions — among all members of the Colorado School of Mines community, students, faculty and staff. Together, we pledge to be a community where personal and collective wellness is prioritized and everyone is encouraged and empowered to be the best versions of themselves.
If this is an emergency and/or there is a potential threat to you or someone else, please dial 9-1-1
Every Oredigger: Equipped for Life
You@Mines: Tackling the College Experience
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Trainings
W. Lloyd Wright Student Wellness Center
Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (C-SEAP)
Student outreach & support (SOS) TEam
Center for Academic Services and Advising
How can my club, organization, department or unit get involved?
Host a special event or activity around one (or more) of the dimensions of wellbeing! Launch a partnership or initiative that brings together different groups on campus in the name of personal and collective wellness!
Failure Friday
We all make mistakes sometimes. Even Mines professors, administrators and students—despite our apparent awesomeness. But you know what? Failure is OK. Nobody is perfect. In the moment, however, it can be hard to remember that.
At Mines, we climb together—and we can all learn from failure.
Promoting positive health and help prevent physical illness.
Identify, understand, and manage your range of emotions.
Establishing community connections and relationships
Meeting basic needs and feeling a sense of security.
Finding meaning in what you do each day.
Living according to a set of guiding beliefs or values.
Managing your money in a way that gives you peace of mind.
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas A. Edison