FAQ / How-To Videos


What is the 'My Account Page'?

The ‘My Account Page’ is a part of the student’s Trailhead portal that provides student financial information such as:

  • Pay tuition
  • View their account balance and eBill Statements
  • Enroll in a payment plan
  • Sign up for direct deposit refunds (eRefund)
  • Set up authorized user accounts
  • Access 1098-T tax forms
What is an eBill Statement?

An ‘eBill statement’ is an electronic student invoice that is generated on a monthly basis for any unpaid student balance. For students, the eBill statement is available on your ‘My Account Page’ on Trailhead (Trailhead > ‘Bursar Payments’ card  > My Account Page). For authorized users, eBill statements are available through the ‘Authorized User’ Portal. Mines does not provide mailed invoices.

eBill statements will not be generated for each adjustment made on the student’s account. It is recommended that students check their account balance on a regular basis.


What is 'Census Day'?

Census Day is the student’s deadline for any registration submissions required for the semester.

Such submission deadlines include:

  • COF Authorization
  • Withdrawal from term (to receive 100% tuition and fees refund)
  • Petition for In-State Tuition Classification
  • Waiver forms (Health Insurance, PT Grad Fee, Employee Tuition)
Can I give others access to my account page?

Students must initiate and create an ‘Authorized User’ account to third parties (e.g. parents, family members, sponsors, employers, etc.) to view their financial information.

To create an ‘Authorized User’ account, students must do so from their ‘My Account Page’ in Trailhead:

Trailhead > ‘Bursar Payments’ card > My Account Page > Click on ‘my account’ > Send a Payer Invitation

The Bursar’s Office is prohibited from creating ‘Authorized User’ accounts on behalf of the student.

Can my Parents inquire about my Student Account?

Under FERPA regulations, the Bursar’s Office is unable to provide information directly to parents without the student being present. Students can create an ‘Authorized User’ account for parents to view their financial information or file a ‘FERPA Student Information Release Form’ with the Registrar’s Office.

How do I Enroll/Waive Mines Health Insurance?

To waive the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), the student must submit proof of comparable health insurance to the following link by census day:


 For more information, please visit the SHIP website

What do i do if I have a State Prepaid Plan?

If the student has a state prepaid plan that requires an invoice from the Bursar’s Office, the student must provide the information to us prior to Census Day.

Invoices will be provided to the prepaid plan after Census Day. Any portion not covered by the prepaid plan will be the student’s responsibility in accordance with the ‘Student Financial Responsibility Agreement.’

Student Account

When is my Account Balance Due?

Account balances are due the day after Census Day (add/drop deadline) of each semester. Any unpaid balance will be assessed a 1.5% late fee monthly until the balance is paid in full or referred to a collection agency.

How do I pay for my Balance?

Account balances can be paid through one of the following general methods:

1. Online through your ‘My Account Page’ on Trailhead or with an ‘Authorized User’ account

2. In person at the Cashier’s Office on campus

3. By mail

For more information about each method, please visit the ‘Payment Methods‘ page.

Where can I see my account balance?

Account balances are available on the student’s ‘My Account Page or on the ‘Authorized User’ page.

Trailhead > ‘Bursar Payments’ card > My Account Page

How often should I check my account balance?

Students should check their account balance on their ‘My Account Page’ on a regular basis. eBill statements will not be generated for each adjustment made on the student’s account.

To view up-to-date charges and credits, please view the ‘Activity Details’ section.


What happens if I don't pay my account balance?

Students who do not pay their account balance in full will be assessed a monthly 1.5% late fee on their remaining balance. In addition, students will have a restrictive hold placed on their account that prevents future term registration and the receipt of transcripts and diploma.

If the student has a remaining balance at the end of a term, their account will be referred to a collection agency in accordance with the ‘Student Financial Responsibility Agreement.’

How-to Videos

Bursar's Office Information

📞 Phone: 303-273-3158
📧 Email: bursar@mines.edu

Hours of Operation

Bursar's Office
🕔Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM

Cashier's Office
🕔Monday - Friday 8AM-4PM

📍 Ben Parker Student Center
Suite #E172

Student Login

Authorized User Login

Bursar Office

1200 16th St. Suite #E172

Golden, CO 80401

Financial Aid Office

📞 303-273-3301
📧 finaid@mines.edu

Residence Life (Housing)

📞 303-869-LIFE (5433)
📧 housing@mines.edu

Registrar's Office

📞 303-273-3200
📧 registrar@mines.edu

Student Health Insurance Plan

📞 303-273-3388
📧 ship@mines.edu