Teach@Mines Career Fair!

Please join us for the first ever Teach@Mines Career Fair! We will have 8 HR directors from different local school districts at the event to answer all your questions about teaching in their district and the hiring process. Talk one on one with the districts you are...

Summer Opportunity for Current Teachers

I wanted to pass along this opportunity that is for current teachers only. Are you creative, driven, and dedicated to making your classroom engaging for your students? Applications are now open for the Summer 2022 Cohort of Fellows for the Rocky Mountain Summer...

Paid, professional Internship

We have an Internship and Work Study opportunity for those of you that want to explore the teaching profession via SCED262 (1-3 cr) (repeatable). You can receive the Internship and then count the rest of your classroom hours as Work Study hours too! $500 stipend per...

Current Teaching Openings

Brighton High School is looking for a Science Earth Space and Biology teacher and Riverdale High School is looking for Math Teacher, both to start this semester. If you are interested, you can see both job postings on the 27J website. We have also recently stumbled...