Hello, Teach@Mines Community!

We want to make sure you’re aware of all the ways you can stay connected with Teach@Mines to register for events, get the latest information on scholarship and internship opportunities, and so much more!

The best and fastest way to contact us when you have a question, need to schedule an advising appointment, or for any other reason is to use this email address: teach@mines.edu. This inbox is monitored by our whole team, so one of us should reply to you quickly.

The Teach@Mines Email list is probably the fastest way to receive announcements about job postings, outreach opportunities, T@M events, scholarships, and other updates. Emails are sent as we learn about opportunities, plus you’ll receive the T@M Weekly with fun facts about teaching and a summary of all current opportunities. If you’re not on the list, you can sign up here.

The Teachers Education Alliance (TEA) meets every Wednesday at 4:30pm (Spring Semester). Join TEA for not just a meeting, but a delightful experience filled with engaging events. Immerse yourself in an inclusive forum where they unravel and explore a spectrum of education-related issues, transcending the boundaries of high school and middle school teaching. You can find the full Spring TEA meeting schedule here, and list of current council members. (There are a few TEA events that do not follow the normal 4:30 Wednesday slot, so check the schedule and/or keep an eye on the Daily Blast for any changes in event time/location.)

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for upcoming event postings, fun facts, and memes about the teaching profession, and more. Like and follow us using these links!

Visit us at www.mines.edu/teacherprep/ to find all the latest information in one place – Information about all T@M Programs, Advisors, News & Scholarships, T@M Community, and Contact Information.