Peter Concepcion


Assistant Director of Admissions
Graduate Recruitment

Peter joined the Graduate Admissions Office in 2023 but has been at Mines since 2021, previously serving as the Graduate Program Manager for ME. Peter is originally from a small island in the Pacific called Guam. He moved to Colorado in 2003 at the age of 8 and has been living in Colorado ever since. Peter received both a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (2017) and Master of Arts in Professional Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (2020) from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO. His dream is to continue to support students of underserved communities and underrepresented identities achieve their personal, professional, and academic goals through providing a pathway to Graduate School. As the first in his family to pursue Graduate School, representation and visibility of people that look like him has always been very important when trying to support younger generations to pursue their dreams of post-baccalaureate education. Outside of work you can find Peter exercising, watching movies, or looking for a new restaurant to try!


  • Graduated from Elementary School twice. 1st time after fifth grade and then switched schools only to find out he was still in elementary school until after 6th grade
  • Would prefer more dinner over dessert but will never turn down a good class of milk and some cookies
  • Can lift heavy things but gets winded going up 1 flight of stairs
  • Loves to cook but does not follow recipes as he prefers to eyeball it before eventually saying “that’s probably good enough”