Graduate School – Graduation Application and Deadlines
How to Apply to Graduate
The Application to Graduate is completed online through your Trailhead account. To submit the application, follow these steps:
- From, click on the “Banner Student Self-Service” widget icon—OR—from Trailhead, scroll down to the ‘Student Services’ card
- Click on the “Student Profile” link
- Click on “Application to Graduate” link
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If applying to graduate in a future term, just click “Submit” on the Curriculum Term Selection screen since that screen is showing the registration term rather than the graduation term. Once you submit, you will then be able to select the degree and the graduation term.
- Select Curriculum (your academic program)
- Select Graduation Term/Date from dropdown menu
- Ceremony Attendance – ignore – the choice here doesn’t really matter since we use Marching Order for commencement rsvp
- Select Diploma Name (from dropdown menu or add ‘New’ if different)
- Select Mailing Address for physical diploma (from dropdown menu or add ‘New’ if different)
- Review information entered and Submit Request
- If you encounter any errors, please send a screenshot with your reply and question.
- For a double degree, apply for one degree and then proceed with the process above a second time to apply for graduation from the second degree.
- Financial holds of any kind (including parking holds) will hold the application to graduate; these issues must be resolved before applying to graduate.
How to Check Degree Evaluation
All Grad Students – How to Access Degree Works to view Degree Evaluation:
Students need to check their degree evaluation every semester to monitor their progress toward degree completion.
- Log into Trailhead
- Select from the Degree Works card on the homepage. (Note, if you get an “access denied” message, that means most likely you had selected the “Degree Works for Advisors” card since that is only for faculty use.)
- Select View My Degree Audit
- Select Degree Works
- Select the degree you are enrolled in that you wish to evaluate
- Please note for certificates, you do not need to generate a degree evaluation since they have not been scribed yet in Degree Works, so you may receive an error message. The Office of Graduate Studies will be checking to make sure that certificate students have completed all the required courses per the grad catalog before awarding the certificate.
- For students admitted prior to Fall 2020, please select CAPP for your degree evaluation. Select Degree Evaluation, then on the curriculum screen, click on the words “Generate New Evaluation” at the bottom of the page, then on the next screen select the program you wish to generate by selecting the radio button next to it and click on the “Generate Request” button.
- NOTE: For students in the following degree programs (Hydrology, Space Resources, Mining Engineering Management, Robotics, Additive Manufacturing) or if you see 50% or less for Degree Progress in Degree Works, that means that you may need to use CAPP instead of Degree Works since your degree may not be scribed in Degree Works yet. This applies to MS-NT, MS Thesis and PHD students. If you are not seeing your degree evaluation in Degree Works and not seeing it in CAPP, please email Roxane Aungst at and include your CWID in the email.
- NOTE: If you are in a Master’s Non-Thesis, have applied to graduate, have courses in progress in your last semester and you are checking your degree evaluation in Degree Works, you should see 98% of requirements met. If you do not see 98% then you most likely need to submit the Master’s Non-Thesis Course Exception form in order to apply any course substitutions, double counting (if applicable), and transfer credits (if applicable). If you see 98%, then your degree evaluation is good and it will change to 100% after grades are posted and end of term processing is completed for that term.
Office of Graduate Studies
Alderson 451