Navigating Combined Degrees

Combined Degrees


How it Works

  • Contact the academic department offering the graduate degree you are interested in to learn more about their program offerings and application requirements to confirm that they align with the requirements listed below (subject to change).
  • Review the graduate admissions application deadlines. The deadline to apply for the combined program is the same as the program’s deadline listed on our deadline pages.
  • Complete 60 undergraduate credit hours at Mines.
  • Upon completion of 60 credit hours, a Trailhead button “GRADSCHOOLS@Mines” will appear in your account. Click on this button to start the application process.
  • Apply at least one term before your expected graduation date. Example: Apply to the spring 2022 semester in the fall of 2021 if you are graduating with your undergraduate degree in May of 2022.
  • You will receive an email indicating that you’ve started your combined application and will provide your Admissions Application and Applicant Portal login credentials.
  • Complete/submit your application and fulfill your admissions application file requirements.

Learn more about the combined program in the Mines Catalog.


View the Combined Program eligible degrees listing on the Graduate Admissions page.

Combined Program - Undergraduate versus Graduate Courses

Visit the Combined Program UG versus GR Courses  page for details.

Academic Standing Rules

Visit the Academic Standing page for details.


Visit the graduate studies grades page for details.

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