A TABLE OF CONTENTS is required in the front matter of the thesis.
All chapters and sections in the thesis and their page numbers are listed in the Table of Contents, including Appendices (if applicable). Pages that are not listed in the table of contents are:
the title page,
      -the submittal sheet page,
      -the copyright page, and
      -the table of contents itself.
The table of contents and all other lists included in the front matter begin on a separate page.

LISTS: List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Equations, etc. are required if included in the Thesis. For example, if you have figures, you must include a List of Figures.

Order of Lists: If you do not need to include one or more of the lists (i.e. you do not have any tables or equations in your thesis), then skip to the next list.

  • LIST OF EQUATIONS (optional)
  • LIST OF PLATES (optional)
  • LIST OF SYMBOLS, LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS or  GLOSSARY may be place at the end of the thesis after the REFERENCES.
  • All lists begin on their own page, except if a list has only one or two entries, then  multiple lists may all be placed on one page with a suitable title such as LIST OF FIGURES AND LIST OF TABLES.

Title of the list (e.g., TABLE OF CONTENTS or LIST OF FIGURES)

  • Appears only on the first page of the list.
  • Is centered between the left and right text margins.
  • Is in all capital letters
  • Titles or captions are multiple lines are single-spaced


  • 1½- or double- spaced between different entries (whatever spacing you are using in the main text)
  • The second and subsequent lines are indented.
  • Each list entry must have exactly the same wording, capitalization and punctuation as the titles and headings in the text.
  • In the case of long figure captions, the text in the list may be abbreviated (while retaining the sense of the whole caption).
  • Figure subtitles may be omitted unless those subtitles distinguish several items within the same title.
  • For each new item the beginning of title is aligned with left margin
  • Caption text cannot go beyond last leader dot Example